Anyone who has ever been to a scrapbook retreat knows that you need approximately 60 pounds of paper, 20 pounds of stamps (these are clear after all - woodie users compensate by adding an additional 100 pounds), and 35 pounds of embellishments PER DAY. Since I'll be gone 4 days, I'll need 360 pounds more than my allotment in order to have the bare minimum of supplies. And that doesn't even include clothing!
Thankfully there are dozens of wonderful scrappers driving to the retreat who promised to bring the necessities, and are willing to share. (I love them already!) But I still felt overwhelmed at the prospect of what to bring. This feeling corresponded with a stroll past the yarn section at Michaels, I'd just finished two knitting themed novels by Debbie Macomber (The Shop on Blossom Street and A Good Yarn - great books btw) and yarn is very light! So in addition to the few pictures/papers I'm bringing, my main focus on this weekend away will be the project you see below:
Feel free to make a guess at what it is - EXCEPT you Christine! LOL - you already know! I may give a small prize for the correct guess. You will have until Sunday night to make your prediction and I'll try to show progress reports along the way (if I have access to a computer in Idaho and can blog).
BTW - the pattern I'm doing is not from the book pictured. I had to show the book because it is the absolute best beginners knitting book I've ever seen. If you want to get into this hobby, you must, must, must get this book (Knitting for Baby - 30 Heirloom Projects with Complete How-To-Knit Instructions by Melanie Falick and Kristin Nicholas).
Happy Knitting!
oh gee..... seeing as you mentioned not too long ago that you and Dave and 'trying again' I am going out on a limb and saying YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!! What do I win what do I win! LOL
No... =( sadly, we're not. But you can guess again Pammie!
well that's no fun Ummmmm someone you know is having a baby girl.... no no no you are knitting Sammy a doll blankie. Have I mentioned I have picked up the knitting needles recently and have been teaching my all-too-soon-to-be ten year old how to knit. He is pretty danged good too! LOL
Okay off to sulk cause usually I can nail that preggo thing right on the head.......
Those look like booties-Martha was doing a knitting show yesterday, and her project looked just like that.
And you made me laugh about the weight of suitcases. At convention in SLC, we were trying to even out all that free paper they gave us. So we would load up the suitcases and then haul them down to the workout room and weigh them!! I bet we went down there 5 times before we had all the suitcases under the limit!
Ohhh I'm jealous you get to go to Tresa's retreat. If she does it again next year, I'm there! Of course I'm hoping to live a whole lot closer by then :)
I love the Blossom Street books--they so made me want to move to Seattle and knit--LOL! I really do want to learn someday because yes, I need another hobby :) I have no idea what you're making, but I'll take a stab and say hmmm...a cute little poncho for Sammie.
I think it's a scarf! (That's all I know how to make.... and it looks like the beginnings of one to me)
WOW - how in the world did you guess that Nic?!? I'm impressed. You are very correct - I'm knitting a poncho for Sam. =) You rock it sistah!
And if you go to Tresa's thing next year bring some needles and I'll teach you how to knit!
For that correct guess, I'll send you a little goodie. Just email me with your address -
=) Nona
I've gotta guess, I've gotta guess..."is it a nifty scrapbook cover?1" Oh wait, I already know, so I'll be good a not spill the beans. :)
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