Monday, October 3, 2011

200,000 Hits

I'm so amazed!  As of today, I have 250 followers and am just under 1000 hits away from 200,000!!!!

Thank you all for your continued support and love.  You have no idea how much it means to me to have all of you "cyber" friends out there.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just jabbering away into the proverbial wind.  But to know that there are people who faithfully read what I have to say, enjoy seeing my latest crafting projects, and genuinely care about my family means the world to me.  It's humbling, and inspiring at the same time!

So, to say thank you, I'm going to do a little giveaway!  Post a comment here, and once my hit counter reaches 200,000, I will randomly select 1 person to win 30 handmade cards!  (That's a $90 value!)  The winner can select either general themed cards (an assortment of birthday, thank you, thinking of you) or they can select Christmas cards!

Please just one entry per person!  But feel free to tell your friends.  :)


Kristin said...

Whoo Hoo, Nona! I have enjoyed following your craft ideas, but mostly your life. (Not to sound like a stalker) But, I first started reading when Sammy was around 2 (is that right?) and have followed your story through Evan, then the un-named baby, then precious Ruby and now this sweet miracle you are carrying. Your faith has never ceased to amaze me. We serve a mighty God and your reminders of that are so refreshing. So, I will continue to read and follow and mostly continue to pray for you and your precious family.

sharalyns said...

Awww... Very good! I enjoy reading about what is going on in your life, kiddos, family, knitting, and crafting! Miss seeing you in person though!

Bev said...

Thanks for allowing others to see and enjoy your handiwork. My blog:

Nicole said...

You are good at what you do and should be proud to share it with the world! I am honored to have gotten the chance to meet you at the CTMH convention in DC. Your daughters are adorable and best wishes as your new little one joins your family in the spring!

Terrie Dodd said...

Have been checking in for several years and plan on excited for you and your family to add a new little one to the fam! Love ya...

Melissa said...

Nona, I started following you as sisters through CTMH, and have continued because I enjoy reading about your family and your crafting endeavors!


scrappernic said...

As someone who has read your blog since you started it, thank you for being such an inspiration to others! I love seeing all your papercrafting and knitting creations, aswell as your personal stories! Thank you :)

Jeanie B said...

Wow Nona, congrats on all your "hits"!

Amy said...

Here's to 200K hits! Your blog is one of my favorites! Even more so now that you have your AWESOME templates for sale!! Here's to 200K more hits!!

Lalia Harris said...

200k is awesome! I can't ever imagine getting to that myself.

mE said...

Congrats, Nona! I don't comment tons, but I enjoy reading your blog :)

Inky Smiles!

~Michelle said...

Congrats Nona! What a great giveaway! Your cards (and everything else) are awesome!


Colette said...

Congrats on all the cyber love!! I enjoy your blog and am blown away by your knitting and papercrafting talents. I wish I had an ounce of that talent! Thanks for the chance to win the cards. You're so generous! =)

SharonQ said...

Nona, I love all of your crafty stuff and I enjoy hearing about your family. Cards from you would be awesome!

Linda Norman said...

I love your work and hearing about your family!

KCina said... all your creative goodness! Here's to the next 200,000!

Kathy C (Beaverton, OR)

Amy Gehring said...

Congratulations on your followers and hits! I love reading about your family and seeing all of your knitting and paper crafting creations - I especially love the templates. Thanks for the chance to win some handmade cards!

shonna said...

That's amazing Nona. Congrats. Love staying caught up on all your crafts and great ideas.

Tanya said...

Thank you for sharing your life with all of us in cyber world

Jenny-May said...


I've enjoyed your amazing artwork, but have been really been touched by your story. It's been an incredible journey for you and following along has been incredible.


Lori Lloyd said...

This is awesome... congratulations Nona. Said to say but I finally figured out how to follow this blog and so happy that I can now join everyone else in enjoying your creativity ...

Dawn Felgar said...

Congratulations, Nona! How exciting!! :)

Priemer Family said...

Congrats on reaching such an amazing goal! I love reading about all of your crafting adventures. Thanks so much for sharing w/ all of us!!

Dawn's Daze said...

Your blog is fabulous! Congratulations on making it to the "Big Time". Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas with us.

Meagan said...

Comment! :D

Love you, sis, and looking forward to spending time with you this fall!!

erina said...

I was a CTMH consultant for two years and somehow came across your blog, I think using the consultant bulletin boards. I have always loved to visit your blog to see your creations, your knitting (I love to knit too) and your family which is so sweet.

amcgrew said...

Way to go Nona!
I love your blog! Thanks for sharing your creativity with the world!


Amy Pitts said...

Wow you have grown. I have loved following your blog and you never disappoint. Between the kids, your adventures and your crafts there is always a great post to be read.

Amy Holley said...

Congrats! I love your work and visit your blog regularly to see what cool new things you've come up with - thanks so much for sharing! Your kiddos are pretty cute too! :) -- With thanks from a fellow mama and crafter :)

Natalie Racine said...

So happy for you Nona. Your work is awesome and I enjoy coming to see what you made, either, papercrafting or your knitting.

Lora Wright said...

Nona, Don't ever think you are babbling to the wind. Because we are all here in Awh of you. You are such a talented lady, wonderful mother, and great person. You deserve so much and I love being part of your cyber world of friends. Thank You!!!! So much. Lora Wright

Melissa Kosena said...

Hi! I love your blog and your artwork. It's always clean and fabulous!

Emily said...

I've stayed up too late now catching up on your life backwards - I'm only to June of this year but I'm soaking it in and enjoying how much you're living out a life of abundance! I think I'll need to order a knitted hat for Naomi from you for Christmas since her head is so big. It's hard to find things in stores, and homemade is so much cuter! It blesses me to see your family is still walking closely with Jesus.

Jessica said...

Thanks for all your inspiration, Nona!!!

Juel said...

Your blog is just a wonderful place to come!!

NancyK said...

Love your blog!

Haley D. said...

Congrats, Nona! I don't get to pop in every day, but you always inspire me. You're not jabbering to the proverbial wind at all.

Heather said...

Congrats on your hits Nona! I love coming here for inspiration and your amazing tutorials.

Stacy P said...

Congratulations on #3! It is a wonderful number. I love your blog & want to thank you for sharing your talent & life with all of us. You are amazingly talented & from 1 CTMH consultant to another, I want to be like you when I grow up! :o)

Kandi said...

Congratulations on all of your follwers and hits Nona! Also a big contrats to you on the baby front. Can't wait to see the little person you bring into the world. :)

Keep posting those baby bump photos too, I love to see the progress.

Congrats again!

Jenn said...

Such a generous gift! Your artwork is always inspiring!!!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

You have that many hits because your blog is fabulous, you are supremely talented and your kids are so wonderful to see in all your projects!!!!

Twyla Norris said...

What a generous offer! You are amazingly talented. I thik there isn't a craft out there that you couldn't do!