First up are a pair of birthday socks for Samantha. Purple and Pink are her current favorite colors, and Knit Picks just happened to have a self striping colorway that beautifully exemplifies those colors. (Mixed Berries in the Felici Sock Yarn, and the cuff, heel and toe are in Stroll sock yarn - color Rouge). The pattern is my own - just a simple sock.

These are an actual finished object! Woohoo. They were started last May while on a short weekend Mother's Day vacation and sat for several months. They are Cookie A.'s "Monkey Sock" pattern and the Felici yarn again, though I can't remember the color and I'm feeling too lazy to look it up.
I'm hoping that 2012 will be the year of finished socks for me. Dave bought me a spot in Cookie A's sock club, and I have a whole bin of sock yarn stashed that needs to be knit through. My goal is 12 pairs of socks by December. So far I've finished 2 pairs during the last week of December (they don't count), but Sam's pair will be the first finished ones for this year.

Next up: The Christmas Shawl. I started this shawl for my MIL two days before Christmas. Thankfully she was okay with getting an IOU since it wasn't complete. In fact, she seemed relieved (since upon opening the package her initial observation was a pattern and yarn to knit it herself!). The pattern is Mara, and the yarn is KP City Tweed in Snowshoe. It's quite lovely yarn - very soft and snuggly. I only have another 4.5 inches to go, but the pattern just doubled itself, and each row is taking about 30 minutes to complete. I'm averaging 1-2 rows a day. Probably another week or so before this one is done.

This UFO (unfinished object for the non-knitters) is my current favorite - and I have to divvy out time to spend on it only AFTER working on my other projects. It is the Puerperium Cardigan knit in KP Shine (navy and cream) for our little baby boy. I'm about 1/2 way done with the body, then just have to whip up the sleeves, and add some cute buttons.

The last, and certainly the least is this project. My arch nemesis of today. A new pattern. It looks so lovely in my brain. But after spending over 4 hours on it today, I'm just feeling beaten. Maybe we will battle again tomorrow, but for now it can just sit in a zip lock bag and stew.

Nona I learned a long time ago there is something magic in knitting. I was knitting an afghan for my grandmother for Christmas one year. Fortunately I started in the spring. The pattern was a little complicated for my skills and by the beginning of summer I had created a mistake and lost some stitches in one of the diamond patterns and I just couldn't correct it. It was a little more than 1/2 done at this point. In frustration I just put it all in a bag and put it under the bed! Sometime in Sept I decided I had to do something, too much time, too much money in that bag under the bed. I really have no patience, especially when things are messed up, so I closed my eyes and said a prayer then took the bag out and sat in the middle of my bed with the knitting spread out. It looked so pretty! I picked up the needles, took out the pattern, counted my stitches and couldn't believe it - I had exactly the right amount. So I decided to knit the next couple rows and check again. Perfect # of stitches! I finished that afghan in just a few more weeks and laid it out on the guest bed to enjoy before I had to wrap it up to give to my grandmother. The afghan was returned to me after my grandmother passed away. It was probably 20+ years old by that time and you could definitely tell it had been used but all my stitches are still there! Do I believe in divine intervention - you bet I do! Your new pattern will turn out great!
What a thoughtful post Patty. Thank you for sharing. I even read it to my husband. It was just the encouragement I needed. :)
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