Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Valentine Workshop and Fundraiser

Last November, I met Taryn Hardy at our church and heard her amazing story of love and hope.  She and her husband Ian, have been trying to adopt three little boys, brothers, from Nicaragua since March of 2008.  Ironically, March was the same month that Dave and I began our adoption process.  The Hardys have faced many joys and trials, progress and set backs, but the time is FINALLY here to bring their sons home.

Unfortunately, they are extremely short on funds, and so we as a church body are pulling together to raise as much money as possible for this dear family, as quickly as possible.  Please consider attending my workshop on February 5th.  I will be donating 50% of all proceeds to the Hardy family - and you also get to make 12 great Valentine cards!  Please email me if you cannot attend as there will be "virtual workshops" available as well.

As I cuddled and played with our precious baby Ruby tonight, I couldn't help but think that three little boys don't have their mom and dad holding them and kissing them goodnight!  I can make a difference, and so can you!  THANK YOU!

To read the Hardy's story please visit this webpage: http://home.comcast.net/~billandrobbin/IanAndTaryn.htm

1 comment:

nicole said...

Nona, I would like to purchase one of the valentine kits to help support this family. Please contact me and let me know how to do that.
