However, Dave did put the finishing touches on the paint tonight, so we are one step closer to Bubbah's room being done. I'm trying to resist buying more stuff for his room, at least until payday. Here are some pictures. The paint looks darker now (8 pm) than in the daytime - and it's only on 2 of the walls - the other walls are light cream (as you can see in the 3rd photo), so I think the effect will be perfect with all the nautical stuff in place.

I'm feeling that nesting urge something fierce these days, so it's eating at me that his room isn't done. Seriously - our house has NEVER been this clean. I have no laundry to do, all my bathrooms are clean... heck - even my craft room and knitting areas are clean and organized.
The only thing not getting done is my design work, and working on my business. But I think it's because all this energy has me running around the house cleaning. I just haven't sat down much - and unfortunately work is mainly a sitting down type of activity.
But, the kids are finally in bed, and all is quiet. So off to work I go! Hopefully with something new to show off tomorrow.
Love the nautical theme and bold colors and the fact you're so on top of everything and he's not the first!
If you need to do some more cleaning and you run out of dirt at your house, I'm just up the road in Everett. ;-)
Oh my gosh - love the color. Love how it is so perfect with the dark wood of the crib. Can't wait to see it complete!
thank you for your kind words ladies!
Lalia - I'll keep that in mind. Haha! :)
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